NorthWest Research Associates

Excellence in Basic & Applied Research Since 1984


Visitors: NWRA Welcomes Oorja Chowdhary and Vishal Noonavath to our Redmond Office

August 2016

Oorja Chowdhary is a high school student at Robinson Center of Early Entrance at UW and Vishal Noonavath is at STEM High School in Redmond. They are both coming to NWRA as interns from the Pacific Science Center, where they take part in the Discovery Corps Program. At NWRA they work with Beate Liepert, Gad Levy, and Andrew Geiss (UW grad student in atmospheric sciences) on developing a solar app and on helping with the PORSEC webpage.

Welcome Oorja & Vishal!

Beate Liepert Gad Levy