NorthWest Research Associates

Excellence in Basic & Applied Research Since 1984

Highlighted Publications

“Predictability of the 2020 Antarctic strong vortex event and the role of ozone forcing”

October 2024

Lim, E.-P., Zhou, L, Young, G., Abhik, S., Rudeva, I., Hope, P., Wheeler, M.C., Arblaster, J.M., Hendon, H.H., Manney, G.L., Son, S.-W., Oh, J., and Garreaud, R.D., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, in press.

Gloria Manney

“Surface Fluxes and Flow Structure for Stably Stratified Near-Calm Conditions”

October 2024

Mahrt, L., Boundary Layer Meteorology, 2024.

Larry Mahrt