NorthWest Research Associates

Excellence in Basic & Applied Research Since 1984


Accolade: KD Leka, Graham Barnes, Ashley Crouch, Eric Wagner, Orion Poplawski

January 2025

The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Team, that includes a team from NWRA, was awarded the

"Robert H. Goddard - Exceptional Achievement for Science"

Our NWRA team was integral to the data-processing pipeline for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on SDO and has continued the effort to optimize data products from this long-operating NASA flagship mission.

NWRA Team Members are: KD Leka, Graham Barnes, Ashley Crouch, Eric Wagner, Orion Poplawski

Congratulations, Well Done!!

Ashley Crouch Eric Wagner Graham Barnes KD Leka Orion Poplawski

Federico Gasperini, Sr. Research Scientist, Boulder Office

January 2025

Federico joined us on January 16 to begin writing proposals through NWRA.

Federico’s research is focused on upper atmospheric and ionospheric dynamics, including collaborative studies on wave interactions and atmospheric coupling processes.

Please welcome Federico!

Federico Gasperini